The Voice of the Lift, Escalator and Moving Walk Industry in Europe

3. European flagLifts have been included in the Working Plan 2016-2019 (also referred to as WP3) of the Ecodesign Directive 2009/125/EC. The preparatory study was launched in 2017 and is expected to end in summer 2019. A specific internet home page is set up for this preparatory study on which you can find all of the background and current information on this important topic: The next meeting between stakeholders, the WP3 Consultants and the European Commission will take place in Brussels on September 17th. ELA representatives will attend this meeting.

At its June 26th meeting, the ELA Board agreed to establish a new Ecodesign Working Group, with Roger Beuret as its Convenor. The work remit of the new Ecodesign WG was presented to and approved by the ELA Board as follows:

  • Prepare analysis and assessment of all phases of the Ecodesign Study
  • Representing ELA towards the Study Holder (to be appointed by the Board of ELA)
  • Develop arguments for use to support ELA’s position on Ecodesign
  • Provide Recommendations to the EE Committee for approval in advance of Board approval

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Disclaimer: The present information note reflects the best knowledge of ELA experts at the moment of its publication. It is for general information purposes only, is not legally binding and should not be construed as legal advice. It is also not intended as a substitute for each stakeholder's own assessment and decision making. ELA declines any and all liability both for the content and for any measure taken or not taken on the basis of this information note.